Hello I am Caleb Smith a college cardist. I wanted to make a website similar to shirosu,visualmadness, and others cardistry blogs that have been made however i wanted to have more content than the others and a overall one stop for a cardists needs. As of right now I am planning to have three weekly uploads 

1. Retro Monday (every monday I share an older cardistry video that still has good content and is also creative)

2. Article Wednesday (every Wednesday I share a topic or idea that I feel is interesting)

3. New video Friday ( every Friday I Share a new video and discuss what I think it does right and how we as cardists can learn from it)

I plan on doing interviews and many other things as well however I want to know what you guys want to see in the future whatever it is tell me so I can try to add it to the site to make it better

 (Click on this website link to watch) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5x2FQuQfTg

Dimitri Arleri has changed cardistry with his creativity and skill. This video shows how much we can learn and create as cardists. Most of these moves are still fresh even after 4 years. Enjoy this classic cardistry video from the past.

If you want to learn some of these moves you can buy Dimitris cardistry project Monument at http://store.theory11.com/products/monument-dimitri-arleri